Ladies, let's face it: Men do not like smokey eye make-up (although, of course, there are few exceptions). I'm not a fan of it either. I seriously believe that some look like Po from Kung Fu Panda.
Yes, you look like this guy right here (credit)
However, my boyfriend seemed to be a fan of smokey eye make-up (whoaaaaaaa? ohhhh my gawwwwwwd) and asked me to try it. And I did... using NYX's ES62A Deep Space and REMMEL's 700 Silver Moonlight.

So here I am (*blush*) with my semi-smokey eye make-up.
I know this is NOT what everyone was expecting but I seriously don't want to look like Po. I wanna look rather natural but still give some depths to the eyes.
Actually, this is why I call it "semi-smokey eye make-up".
1) Apply an eye primer or powder all over the eyelids prior to eye make-up - to control and reduce oiliness.
2) Using REMMEL's 700 Silver Moonlight, apply it on the inner corners of your
eyes and blend it all the way to the centre of your eyes. Also, you can use
this eyeshadow or any highlighter highlight your brow bone.
- for bigger and sparkly-looking eyes.
3) Use NYX's ES62A Deep Space and apply the shadow starting from the outer
corners of your eyes and work your way in to the centre of your eyes. Apply
it from the lower outer corners of your eyes and bring it towards the centre.
- to give dramatic depths to your eyes.
4) Use any fluffy brush to blend the border of where Moonlight and Deep Space meet. Brushing off any visible harsh line.
- to make this make-up looking more natural.
5) With a gel eyeliner (MAC's Blitz and Glitz), draw THIN lines unlike what smokey eye make-up usually requires.
- to define your eyes w.o exaggeration and keep it natural.
6) Use very minimal amount of blush / shades (or none). This make-up's objective will be to focus on your eyes, not your cheeks.
- to keep the focus on the eyes.
7) Same goes for lips. Use a nude lipstick, so that the focus is on your eyes. And that is it for this tutorial!
I really hope this tutorial helps! If you have any question or comment, please leave it below or follow me on twitter @CDistrict900212! Good luck with you all :-)